Outdoor Displays

One of the most well known forms of display signs we make are outdoor signs! It is crucial to have some sort of indicator to inform and direct people to your place of business. Without a sign, they may not know your business is there or what you can offer them. Fortunately, we make incredible signs  you and your customers will love!

There are several different locations and uses for an outdoor display. Most business opt to place a sign directly outside their place of business to indicate what they are. You can also place a sign away from your business, near people that might be interested in traveling to your location. Some businesses will even have signs made specifically for special events and occasions to share information in an interesting, fun way.

You have tons of customization options to ensure you get the exact sign you need! Whether you need a basic, unchanging sign or a fancy LED billboard, we’ll make you something that is bound to catch eyes and turn heads! We understand the sign game and want to pass our knowledge onto you! Take a look below to see what types and applications of outdoor building signs we can make for you!

Sign Applications

Simple Designs

We make all types of signs, but we make many that are simpler in design. Something like a church sign, school sign, or even a reader board make for one of our basic styles of outdoor signs. Here are a few common applications for basic signs you might be interested in:

  • Reader Board: These are a basic style of outdoor signs that we make. If you’ve ever seen a church sign with different bible verses on it every week, that’s what a reader board is. It has an illuminated background with physical letters that can be changed around to say whatever you need.

Excellent places to put a reader board include churches, schools, movie theaters and grocery stores. Reader boards are good for displaying brief, easily readable messages that can be changed as needed. They are a physically oriented sign with removable letters, which works well for those that don’t have sophisticated needs.

  • Lit Sign: You can often find lit signs anywhere you go. These are displays that are visible day and night, and typically have a static design on them. The McDonalds arch is a great example of a lit sign, albeit a bit fancier in display. The sign doesn’t necessarily require words on it, but most do have them. 

Lit signs are easily visible from a distance and in the dark, making them perfect for any use. You might find these around small strip malls, convenience stores, schools, or they might even be used as a gas station sign. Lit signs are great for business that are quickly recognized through either name or logo, like the McDonalds arch. Providing a sign visible from far away allows more people to locate such a business they are familiar with.

Advanced Signs

We can also make complicated signs with extra functionality to them compared with our simpler building signs. Any kind of digital signs or digital billboard you notice is an advanced sign that we can absolutely manufacture. Here are some great uses for more advanced signs we make:

  • LED Billboard: LED billboards are a flashier kind of sign offering enhanced ways of capturing your audience. Most billboards you find may have one, stationary image that can be pretty dull to look at. Especially over time, the quality of the image is bound to decrease and become harder to see. 

Consider using an LED billboard to keep your image fresh and fun to look at! You can even have rotating displays of a few different images – it’s up to you! Any place you would place a regular billboard is an excellent place for an LED billboard! You can put them on the sides of freeways, outside shopping malls, or even around town to attract some interest.

  • Digital Signs: Today you can find digital signs pretty much anywhere. As we become more comfortable with technology, the more we’ll find it around. This applies to signs too. Why stay with an outdated, boring sign when you can spice it up and make it digital? 

Great uses for a digital sign include special events, conventions, airports, and even in bars! Any place you can think of where you might want to display multiple pieces of information would be a great use for a digital sign. It’s easier for people to read and understand, and it just looks better!

Simple or advanced, we’ll make you a stunning outdoor display!

Get an Outdoor Display!

Vaypix makes the process of acquiring an outdoor display sign easy! We manufacture all our signs in the USA, and offer genuine local technical support in case anything goes wrong. If you have a message or image to spread, come to us for an innovative, catchy method of doing that! We love to make all kinds of display signs for any type of purpose! 

If you need a more basic style of sign, like a school sign or gas station sign, we can definitely make affordable signs to align with simpler budgets. Not all signs have to be flashy and in-your-face! Without a doubt, those that opt to display outdoor signs are far more effective at attracting people. The first step to gaining new business is making people aware that you’re there.

If you are interested in a more exciting style sign like a digital billboard, we’re available for that too! Customers love our LED billboards and digital signs and how they wow those that see them! There is nothing more powerful than larger-than-life images that really make you stop and stare!

Even if your purpose isn’t listed above, don’t hesitate to reach out and see what we can do for you! For any other questions or inquiries, please get in contact with us! We’d love to make your outdoor display sign the next one out the door!
