Indoor Displays

Video Wall

When people think of signs, most think only about outdoor signs – the one you see for gas stations and shopping malls. Signs are actually pretty versatile and can be well-used for indoor purposes. Examples of indoor display signs include a video wall, home theater, sports bar screens, and even a stadium LED sign.

From those examples you might be able to see that an indoor “sign” can refer to more than just a piece of metal holding some type of picture. Think of a sign as more of a means to display a message, which today means a screen to display video with. With that in mind, we can make all kinds of gorgeous indoor display signs for whatever your purpose might be!

We offer you the ability to have the sign made however you might need! Often we make indoor signs for events, shows, night clubs and bars. They make for an awesome way of making sure you can keep people entertained and informed even with all the action going on around them. If you’ve never considered using an LED display for expo events or any other fun happenings, check out some of the best ways to use an indoor display below!

Best Uses for Indoor Displays

There are many different reasons to use an indoor sign. Below are some of the indoor displays we make and where you might want to use them.

Fixed Applications

When you think of a fixed sign, imagine something permanent. As we mentioned earlier, the use of screens are now quite common in signs. Here are some of the best, long-term ways to use indoor signs:

  • Video Wall: This is a really awesome way of displaying information to your guests. If you’ve ever walked into a fast food restaurant, you’ve probably seen a menu board that listed all the options. Usually it’s a fairly plain display, but could you imagine how much easier and enjoyable it might be to read if it was replaced with a video wall screen that displayed the menu?

That’s just one example, but there are a ton of places you could use wall. Places like arcades, casinos, and other recreational fun locations could sport a video wall to list prices, package offers, hours of operation, and any other important information. They’re really a great way of making people more likely to hear what you’re saying.

  • Screens: We also offer the ability to make indoor screens for your viewing pleasure. We can make gorgeous displays so you can show video and television to guests you might have. Great locations for screens are places like sports bars that show a lot of live games and even for home theater setups!

You could use regular television screens for your set up, but we can make screens designed specifically for your needs! Rather than making your location work for your screen, let your screen work for your location! We’ll make a beautiful display that’ll top any regular screen you might find.

Multipurpose Displays

We also make display signs designed for frequent change and different purposes! Imagine something like an LED display for expo usage. The event may only be for one time, but the display can be repurposed into a display for other shows. Here are some of the best uses of multipurpose displays:

  • Clubs: Night clubs are often pumped full of music and have lots of awesome visuals to go around. They may also have video displays related to artists performing, which can be subject to change based on the night’s line up. Using an indoor display lets clubs have changeable display and video to reflect that.
  • Sports Stadiums: If you’ve ever been to a basketball game, you know what a jumbotron is. For other sports, there is often a giant stadium LED sign found somewhere. It can show many different displays, varying from live action to programmed slideshows. Those are all indoor displays we’d be happy to help you acquire!
  • Events: At any convention or expo, there is undoubtedly a lot of signage to be found. There are displays that indicate where things are located, explanations of what you’re looking at, and even advertisements. There might be a video feed or use of screens. After the event finishes, the signs might be discarded, but sometimes can be reused for other events!

You can really find any reason to need an indoor display sign. Whether you need a sign designed for one purpose or many, we’ve got the tools to get you squared away!

How to Get Started!

Here at Vaypix, signs are our forte and we want to use that to help you get an amazing display! All of our signs, both indoor and outdoor, are manufactured in the USA. We offer technical support from people located in the US so you can rest safe knowing you’re going to have your back every step of the way. In addition we have a three year warranty on all of our signs.

We can make whatever kind of video wall or screen you might need! We believe in making the highest-quality signs we can, making sure it’s a custom fit just for you. Just tell us your business needs and we can help recommend an appropriate sign for it. We can accommodate signs meant with one purpose in mind, or even make it flexible if you need to change displays often.

If you’re ready to step up your indoor display game, reach out to us today and see how we can make your business stand out! Any business has information and entertainment to provide, let us help you make it the best experience possible! It doesn’t matter if you’re a restaurant, bar, or sports stadium! We can do it all!

For any other questions or inquiries, please direct them to our support staff. We believe everyone deserves a chance at a beautiful indoor display sign, if we haven’t mentioned a use or design, don’t hesitate to ask! We’re always available to help you shine!